Кілька місяців тому в Україні було розпочато інтернет-проект "День в житті України" завдяки двом волонтерам Корпусу Миру США, яких звуть Ендрю та Логан. Мета проекту - описати свій день (у будь-якій формі - листа, есе, вірша тощо). Дата дня, який треба провести в Україні та описати, призначається заздалегідь.
В листопаді 2012 проект проходив в третій раз. Треба було описати 1 листопада. Учні Львівського ліцею менеджменту Аліна Вороніна (10 клас, група 22) та Ольга Вархолик взяли участь у проекті "День в житті України 3". Їх роботи були опубліковані на сайті інтернет-проекту "A Day in the Life of
Ukraine 3".
Наші вітання переможцям!!!
A cooperative writing project in Ukraine
Thanks to the work of Peace Corps Ukraine Volunteers Andrew and Logan and the support of their friends and
colleagues, the word of a cooperative writing project “A Day in the Life of
Ukraine 3” was held in November 2012. Everyone was invited to participate. Ukrainians,
foreign citizens, children, adults… all were welcome! The task was the
following: “On November 1, 2012, write a piece that shares your
experience of that day”. The writing had to be in English, true,
and your original work. This piece of writing
might take any form.
The celebration of daily life in Ukraine
was a huge success! They had a whopping 134 total submissions with 120 of them
fitting the criteria – true story about being in Ukraine
on November 1st. Lviv region topped all others with 35 total submissions,
followed by Rivne with 28, and Zaporizhzhya with 17 (Rivne led all individual
sites with 24 total submissions).
Two students of Lviv High School of management were among those who took part in the project. Here are their stories:
High spirits on a gloomy day
It was the first of
November, the last autumn month. It was an ordinary Thursday. A usual day among
many others. It was grey and gloomy outside the window. The sun wasn’t shining.
The land was covered with dead yellow leaves.

Although the day was nasty
and gloomy, there was a happy smile on my face because I wanted to give my good
mood to all the other people around me. Even in such a strange and dreary day,
I was happy.
November 1
For me the first of November
began in such a way:
I had to do something (guess what? OK).
I got up, washed myself
and went to create a miracle.
Strange, isn’t it? But I am
an enchantress, you know.
I took brushes in my hands
and started working. Oh!
I was painting a magic newspaper
all the day,
and I was praised much for it,
by the way.
It was not such a paper
Where there were many memoirs.
It depicted a lot of different
strange spells.
And now I will finally tell you
what this newspaper was about.
Yes, it was devoted to Halloween!
It was great! Don’t doubt!
Friends were in delight.
I was happy to get a bar of
chocolate for it. Right!