Participation in seminars and webinars in 2019 (2)– Участь у семінарах та вебінарах в 2019 році (2)
1) Cambridge University Press webinar «Developing Thinking Skills within the Secondary Graders of the New Ukrainian School” – 19.08.2019
2) OUP sessions “Shaping learners now and for the future” and “Teacher well-being” (Presenter: Ushapa Fortescue) – 21.08.2019
3) MM Publications webinar “Using drama in the classroom” – 23.08.2019
4) Семінар MM Publications та компанії Лінгвіст “Eight ideas on how to start your lesson with a BANG!” та «Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” (Speaker: Nadia Theochari) – 28.08.20195) Macmillan Ukraine: Back to school On-line Conference (Day 1) – Вивчення методичних рекомендацій, Creating competent readers in the lower primary school – 28.08.2019
6) Macmillan Ukraine: Back to school On-line Conference (Day 2) – Making it all clear – structuring a learner-friendly language course; Planning 2.0 – how to tweak a lesson plan by providing your teenage students with constant challenge; Language chunks in Action – 28.08.2019
7) Семінар Pearson-Dinternal “Unlock your
teaching potential with the London School
of English and Dinternal Education Lviv • How to set up TRULY productive
activities when dealing with REALLY young learners • Teaching HITs 2019/20:
firsthand experience and top activities from our expert British teachers!”
(Conducted by Svitlana Sorochynska, Tom Barton, Scott Harland, Liam Wittaker) - 29.08.2019
8) National Geographic Learning Webinar “Bring the meaning into the classroom” – 30.08.2019