Honours, Awards, etc in 2009

- Certificate of Honour from the Major Board of Education and Science of Lviv Regional State Administration and Lviv Regional Teacher’s House for significant achievements in modeling and implementation of informative and communication technologies, presented at regional scientific-practical conference "ICT in secondary schools: achievements, problems and prospects" –26.03.2009, Lviv
- Подяка за роботу в групі експертної комісії по відбору матеріалів на районну виставку „Вернісаж педагогічних ідей-2009” (наказ відділу освіти Франківської районної адміністрації від 27.04.2009 № 142)
- Thanks for the work in a group of expert committee for the selection of materials for the district exhibition “Opening Day of Pedagogical Ideas-2009” – 27.04.2009

- Diploma of Gratitude from Lviv Linguistic Centre for helping in organization of the 5-th contest of translators among senior students of secondary schools “Lviv European” – May 2009
- Подяка від дирекції ЛЛМ за високий рівень професіоналізму в організації методичної роботи – жовтень 2009, Львів
- Diploma of Gratitude from administration of Lviv High School of Management for the high level of professionalism in the organization of methodological work - October 2009, Lviv

- Certificate of honour from the Publishing House “Shkilny Svit” for creative approach to teaching English and significant contribution to the professional development of modern teacher - December 2009, Kyiv
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